Zip Code:

68508, Lincoln, NE

68508 is a Nebraska Zip code within the city of Lincoln and the county of Lancaster County. Its population is roughly 16,638.

Real Estate in the 68508 Zip Code of Lincoln, NE

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 68508 Zip Code of Lincoln, NE

The 68508 zip code of Lincoln, NE has a median home value of $128,000. The home equity for this zip code is $47,000. This means that the majority of homeowners in this zip code have more than enough equity in their homes to cover any potential financial emergencies that may arise. Additionally, the average home price in this zip code has increased by 9% over the past year. This indicates that there is strong demand for housing within this area and that prices are likely to continue increasing in the near future.

Price Index: Lincoln, NE

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