Zip Code:

68756, Neligh, NE

68756 is a Nebraska Zip code within the city of Neligh and the county of Antelope. Its population is roughly 1,995.

Real Estate in the 68756 Zip Code of Neligh, NE

Home Equity in the 68756 Zip Code of Neligh, NE

The 68756 zip code of Neligh, NE has a median home equity of $137,000. This is higher than the national median home equity of $123,000. The 68756 zip code also has a higher than average home value per capita ($178,000). This indicates that there are more homes in this zip code with high home equity values.

There are several factors that may contribute to the high home equity values in the 68756 zip code of Neligh, NE. First, this area is likely to have a high population density which could lead to more demand for expensive homes. Second, the area may have a strong economy which could lead to increased demand for property and assets such as homes. Finally, there may be some opportunity cost associated with investing in property in this area which could lead to increased demand for properties with high home equity values.

Overall, it appears that there is a strong correlation between high home equity values and a healthy economy. As long as there is continued economic growth and stability in the region, it is likely that the 68756 zip code will continue to have high home equity values.

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