Zip Code:

68784, Wakefield, NE

68784 is a Nebraska Zip code within the city of Wakefield and the county of Dixon County. Its population is roughly 1,952.

The Real Estate Market in Wakefield, NE

The 68784 zip code of Wakefield, NE is located in the northeast corner of the state and includes a population of just over 10,000. The median home value in this zip code is $137,500 and the home equity rate is approximately 14%. This means that homeowners in this area have an equity ratio of approximately 79%. This compares favorably to the national average equity ratio of 63%.

One reason for Wakefield's high home equity rate may be its strong economy. The unemployment rate in this zip code is only 3%, well below the national average of 5%. In addition, Wakefield has a low poverty rate at just 2% and a high education attainment level. These factors may contribute to higher incomes and greater savings which can be used to purchase homes.

Another factor contributing to Wakefield's high home equity rate may be its low foreclosure rates. In fact, only 0.8% of homes in this zip code are currently listed for sale as foreclosed or REO (real estate owned). This compares favorably to the national foreclosure rate of 1.9%. This indicates that homeowners here are more likely to have stable mortgages and avoid potential financial problems down the road.

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