Zip Code:

69133, Dix, NE

69133 is a Nebraska Zip code within the city of Dix and the county of Kimball. Its population is roughly 440.

Real Estate in the 69133 Zip Code of Dix, NE

The 69133 zip code of Dix, NE is located in the northwest corner of Nebraska and covers a total area of 9.5 square miles. The median home value in this zip code is $128,000 and the median household income is $51,000. The unemployment rate in this zip code is 3.4% and the poverty rate is 2.8%.

There are a total of 1,906 households in the 69133 zip code and according to the 2010 census there are 1,811 people living in these households. The majority (82%) of people living in this zip code are white while 18% are black and 2% are Hispanic. There are also a total of 557 households with children under 18 living in them which accounts for 24% of all households in this zip code.

Homeownership rates in the 69133 zip code have been increasing over time which can be attributed to several factors including low interest rates, strong job growth, and limited availability of housing stock within this area. In 2009, homeownership rates were 66%. By 2016 that had increased to 71%. While there has been an increase homeownership rate it still remains below average when compared to other areas within Nebraska (80%). This suggests that there may still be some room for improvement within this area when it comes to housing affordability for residents.

When looking at home prices within the 69133 zip code it is important to keep in mind that not all homes within this area have been sold since 2010 which could lead to inaccuracies when comparing prices between years. According to Zillow’s Home Price Index data from January 2017 through December 2017, the median home price within the 69133 zip code was $128,000 which was up 0.7% from 2016’s median price ($127,500). When looking at year-over-year change during that same period Zillow found that prices increased by 7% nationally but only increased by 3% within the 69133 zipcode indicating that there may still be some areas where prices remain relatively stagnant or even declining when compared to other areas across America during that time period However when considering just January 2018 through December 2018 data we find that prices increased by 4%, indicating an overall increase over those three months . This indicates that while there may be some localized pockets where prices have decreased or stagnated over time as a whole Dix has seen an increase over recent years when it comes to home values .

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