Zip Code:

69162, Sidney, NE

69162 is a Nebraska Zip code within the city of Sidney and the county of Cheyenne. Its population is roughly 7,295.

The Real Estate Market in the 69162 Zip Code of Sidney, NE

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 69162 Zip Code of Sidney, NE

The 69162 zip code of Sidney, NE has a median home value of $137,500. This is a decrease from the median home value of $147,000 in 2007. The average home value in this zip code has decreased by 5%.

The percentage of homes that are worth more than their original purchase price is 49%. This is an increase from the 38% percent that was worth more than their original purchase price in 2007.

The percentage of homes that are worth less than their original purchase price is 51%. This is an increase from the 41% percent that was worth less than their original purchase price in 2007.

There have been no changes to the number or percentage of homes that are underwater since 2007.

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