Zip Code:
70607 is a Louisiana Zip code within the city of Lake Charles and the county of Calcasieu Parish. Its population is roughly 28,687.
The 70607 zip code of Lake Charles, LA has a median home value of $129,900. This is lower than the national median home value of $177,500. The percentage of homes in this zip code that are worth more than $200,000 is also lower than the national percentage of homes that are worth more than $200,000. The percentage of homes in this zip code that are worth less than $100,000 is also higher than the national percentage of homes that are worth less than $100,000.
There are several factors that may contribute to the lower home values in this zip code compared to other areas across the country. One reason could be the fact that Lake Charles is not as affluent as some other areas and may not have as many wealthy residents who can afford to purchase a home with a higher value. Additionally, there may be fewer high-end properties available for sale in this area due to stricter lending criteria or because they have been sold already.
Despite these limitations, there are still some homeowners in this area who have been able to purchase homes for prices much higher than what is typical for their region. For example, one property located in this zip code was recently sold for over $300K - well above the average price for similar properties within its vicinity. Additionally, while there may be fewer high-end properties available for sale overall in this area compared to other parts of town or neighborhoods within Lake Charles itself, there are still plenty of moderately priced options available if you're looking to buy a home on a budget.
Price Index: Lake Charles, LA
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
70605 | 37,893 | 336.9 | America/Chicago | 30.13066 | -93.27365 | Lake Charles | Calcasieu Parish | Louisiana |
70601 | 31,699 | 759.5 | America/Chicago | 30.22622 | -93.21575 | Lake Charles | Calcasieu Parish | Louisiana |
70615 | 14,206 | 111.8 | America/Chicago | 30.25365 | -93.12276 | Lake Charles | Calcasieu Parish | Louisiana |
70630 | 2,657 | 5.5 | America/Chicago | 30.02719 | -93.00631 | Bell City | Calcasieu Parish | Louisiana |