Zip Code:

71075, Springhill, LA

71075 is a Louisiana Zip code within the city of Springhill and the county of Webster Parish. Its population is roughly 6,132.

The Real Estate Market in the 71075 Zip Code of Springhill, Louisiana

The Springhill, Louisiana zip code 71075 has a median home value of $128,000. The home equity in this zip code is $44,000. This means that the typical homeowner in this zip code has about 44% of their home's value invested in their home equity.

There are a few factors that could be contributing to the high home equity in this zip code. One possibility is that there are a lot of homeowners who have taken out mortgages for larger homes than they can actually afford to pay off. If these homeowners were to lose their jobs or experience other financial setbacks, they would find it difficult to make payments on a mortgage that is larger than the value of their home.

Another possible explanation for the high level of home equity in this zip code is the low rate of unemployment here. Many people who live in Springhill are able to afford large mortgages because they do not fear losing their jobs or having difficulty making ends meet financially. This stability may help contribute to the high level of home equity in this area.

Price Index: Shreveport-Bossier City, LA

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