Zip Code:

71326, Clayton, LA

71326 is a Louisiana Zip code within the city of Clayton and the county of Concordia Parish. Its population is roughly 752.

The Real Estate Market in the 71326 Zip Code of Clayton, Louisiana

There is no doubt that home equity and home prices are important factors in the lives of many Americans. Home equity is the value of a homeowner's home minus any outstanding mortgages or other liens on the property. Home prices are the price at which homes are sold, and can be affected by many factors, including interest rates, location, and inventory.

According to data from Zillow, Clayton has a median home value of $161,200. This means that there is a wide range of home values in this zip code. The lowest value house in Clayton has a median price of $92,900, while the highest house has a median price of $269,500. This indicates that there is plenty of opportunity for buyers in Clayton to find a house that fits their budget.

Clayton also has a high rate of homeownership (79%). This means that most people living in this zip code own their homes outright rather than having mortgages or other liens on their properties. This high rate may help to contribute to Clayton's high median home value.

Despite these positive trends, there are some caveats to consider when looking at home equity and home prices in Clayton. First and foremost is the fact that interest rates have been relatively low for much of 2017-2018 (currently around 2%). If interest rates increase significantly over the next few years, this could have an impact on both home equity and home prices in Clayton. Additionally, although homeownership rates are high in Clayton, this does not mean that all homes are owner-occupied - there is significant rental activity present as well (24% overall). Finally, although inventory levels have been relatively stable over the past year or so (around 6%), this could change quickly if more homes were to become available for sale in Clayton - especially if interest rates remained low through 2020-2021!

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