Zip Code:
71467 is a Louisiana Zip code within the city of Pollock and the county of Grant Parish. Its population is roughly 7,670.
The Pollock zip code in Louisiana has a median home value of $101,000 and a median home equity of $111,000. This is higher than the national median home value of $77,500 and the national median home equity of $105,000. The Pollock zip code also has a high percentage of homeowners with a mortgage (69%) and a low percentage of homeowners with no mortgage (21%). These are both higher percentages than the national averages of 63% and 28%, respectively.
One reason for these high values in Pollock may be that it is located in an affluent area. The zip code has a poverty rate of only 5%, which is lower than the national average poverty rate of 13%. Additionally, Pollock has a high percentage of college graduates (41%), which may contribute to its high home values.
Price Index: Alexandria, LA
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
71405 | 6,158 | 161.5 | America/Chicago | 31.40946 | -92.40096 | Ball | Rapides Parish | Louisiana |
71407 | 649 | 18.2 | America/Chicago | 31.51593 | -92.48601 | Bentley | Grant Parish | Louisiana |