Zip Code:

72160, Stuttgart, AR

72160 is a Arkansas Zip code within the city of Stuttgart and the county of Arkansas. Its population is roughly 9,785.

The Real Estate Market in the 72160 Zip Code of Stuttgart, Arkansas

The 72160 zip code of Stuttgart, AR has a population of around 21,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $41,000, and the median home value is $128,000. Home equity in this zip code is around $87,000 on average.

There are a number of factors that contribute to home equity in a particular area. One factor that affects home equity in 72160 is the level of unemployment and economic stability within an area. Another factor that affects home equity is the rate of inflation. In general, areas with low levels of unemployment and economic stability tend to have higher levels of home equity than areas with high levels of unemployment and economic instability. Areas with high rates of inflation generally have lower levels of home equity than areas with low rates of inflation.

Overall, the 72160 zip code has a high level of home equity relative to other areas within Arkansas. This may be due to the relatively stable economy and low levels of unemployment in this area over recent years.

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