Zip Code:

72455, Pocahontas, AR

72455 is a Arkansas Zip code within the city of Pocahontas and the county of Randolph. Its population is roughly 12,418.

The Real Estate Market in the 72455 Zip Code of Pocahontas, Arkansas

The home equity and home prices in the 72455 zip code of Pocahontas, AR are reflective of the overall market conditions in the area. The median home value in this zip code is $128,000, which is lower than the statewide median home value of $177,500. However, this does not mean that there are not a number of homes for sale in this zip code. In fact, there are currently 53 homes for sale in 72455. This indicates that there is a good selection of homes available for purchase within this zip code.

When it comes to home equity, homeowners in 72455 have a median equity balance of $54,000. This is lower than the statewide median equity balance of $77,500 but still indicates that homeowners in this area have some equity remaining in their homes. When it comes to home prices, homeowners in 72455 can expect to pay an average price for a single-family residence within this zip code of $129,900. This is higher than the statewide average price for a single-family residence ($117,500) but still reflects current market conditions within Pocahontas County.

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