Zip Code:

72462, Reyno, AR

72462 is a Arkansas Zip code within the city of Reyno and the county of Randolph. Its population is roughly 341.

The Real Estate Market in the 72462 Zip Code of Reyno, AR.

The Reyno zip code in Arkansas has a population of just over 2,000 people. The median household income is just over $50,000, and the median home value is just over $130,000. The 72462 zip code ranks as one of the most affordable in Arkansas, with a median home value that is only about one-third of the statewide median home value.

One reason for this affordability is that the Reyno zip code has a low rate of homeownership. Only about 50% of homes in the Reyno zip code are owned by their occupants, which is significantly lower than the statewide homeownership rate of 69%. This low homeownership rate may be due in part to the fact that there are relatively few homes available for sale in the Reyno zip code. There were only 36 homes listed for sale at last count, which is less than one-tenth of 1% of all homes in the area.

Despite its low homeownership rate, however, Reyno does have a high rate of home equity. Over 60% of households in the Reyno zip code have at least some equity in their homes, which is higher than both the statewide average and national average rates of home equity ownership. This high level of equity may be due to several factors: relatively low rates of home foreclosure activity (3 per 1,000 households), strong job market conditions (the unemployment rate was only 3% as recently as December 2016), and relatively low levels of debt among residents (only about halfof households owe more than 30%of their total household income on debt).

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