Zip Code:

72650, Marshall, AR

72650 is a Arkansas Zip code within the city of Marshall and the county of Searcy. Its population is roughly 3,855.

The Real Estate Market in the 72650 Zip Code of Marshall, AR

The Marshall, AR 72650 zip code has a population of around 25,000 people and is located in the northwest corner of the state. The median household income in this zip code is around $60,000 which is above the national median household income of $53,046. The home equity and home prices in this zip code are both quite high compared to other areas of the country.

The average home equity value in this zip code is $236,500 which is significantly higher than the national average home equity value of $161,200. Similarly, the average home price in this zip code is also much higher than the national average price of $197,400. This indicates that there are a lot of homes available for sale in this area and that buyers are willing to pay a high price for them.

One reason why the home equity and home prices in this zip code are so high is because Marshall has a relatively low unemployment rate compared to other areas of the country. The unemployment rate in Marshall was 3.5% as of May 2018 which was lower than the nationwide unemployment rate of 4%. This means that there are more jobs available for people who want them and that they can afford to buy a house here without having to worry about being able to afford it.

Overall, it seems that people who live in the 72650 zip code are very happy with their homes and their overall financial situation. They seem to be able to afford a high-priced house without too much difficulty and they seem to be very satisfied with their overall lives here.

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