Zip Code:

72834, Dardanelle, AR

72834 is a Arkansas Zip code within the city of Dardanelle and the county of Yell County. Its population is roughly 10,402.

The Real Estate Market in the 72834 Zip Code of Dardanelle, Arkansas

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 72834 Zip Code of Dardanelle, AR

The home equity and home prices in the 72834 zip code of Dardanelle, AR are reflective of the overall market conditions in this area. The median home value in this zip code is $101,000, which is lower than the Arkansas median home value of $130,000. However, when compared to other zip codes within Arkansas, the 72834 zip code has a higher median home value. The average home value in this zip code is $122,500. This indicates that there are a greater number of homes that are worth more than $122,500 within this zip code than within other zip codes throughout Arkansas.

When looking at the percentage of homes that are worth more than their original purchase price it is evident that there is a greater percentage of homes that are worth more than their original purchase price within the 72834 zip code than across Arkansas as a whole. Approximately 50% of all homes within this zipcode are worth more than their original purchase price. This compares to an Arkansas statewide average percentage of 33%.

The reason for this difference may be due to several factors such as location (the 72834 zip code includes areas with both affluent and less affluent neighborhoods), age (older homes tend to be worth more), and condition (a newer home may not have had time to appreciate as much). Regardless of the reasons behind it, having a higher percentage of homes that are worth more than their original purchase price indicates that homeownership opportunities in this area remain strong.

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