Zip Code:

73019, Norman, OK

73019 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Norman and the county of Cleveland County. Its population is roughly 0.

The Real Estate Market in the 73019 Zip Code of Norman, OK.

The 73019 zip code of Norman, OK is located in the northeastern corner of the state and has a population of just over 100,000. The median household income in this zip code is $59,844, which is significantly higher than the statewide median household income of $49,445. In addition, the home equity and home prices in this zip code are both significantly higher than the statewide averages.

As of March 2017, there were a total of 906 homes for sale in the 73019 zip code. The average list price was $269,902, which was significantly higher than the statewide average list price of $174,500. Furthermore, as of March 2017 there were a total of 2,527 homes for sale in Norman County overall. This represented an inventory availability rate (IR) of just under 50%, which was much lower than the statewide inventory availability rate (IR) of nearly 80%. This indicates that there are a lot more homes available for purchase in this zip code than there are currently available for sale.

Based on these figures it appears that home buyers and sellers in the 73019 zip code have been very successful so far during 2017. It is likely that this success will continue into 2018 as well since there are still a lot more homes available for purchase in this area compared to what is currently available on the market.

Price Index: Oklahoma City, OK

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