Zip Code:

73132, Oklahoma City, OK

73132 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Oklahoma City and the county of Oklahoma County. Its population is roughly 28,452.

The Real Estate Market in the 73132 Zip Code of Oklahoma City, OK.

The 73132 zip code of Oklahoma City, OK has a population of over 316,000 people and a median household income of $59,000. The home equity in this zip code is $128.5 billion and the home prices are $269,500 on average.

The 73132 zip code has a high home equity percentage because it has a high median household income. This means that most households in this zip code have more than enough money to buy or refinance a home and still have enough money left over to cover other expenses. Additionally, the homes in this zip code are relatively new and are not subject to depreciation like older homes are. This means that the value of these homes will continue to increase over time, which will help boost the home equity percentage even further.

On the other hand, the home prices in this zip code are relatively high compared to some other areas of Oklahoma City. This is likely due to several factors including strong demand from buyers and limited supply of properties available for sale. Over time, as more homes become available for sale in this area and the values of those homes decrease relative to the current market conditions, the home prices in this zipcode will likely fall closer to average levels.

Price Index: Oklahoma City, OK

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