Zip Code:

73425, Countyline, OK

73425 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Countyline and the county of Carter County. Its population is roughly 34.

The Real Estate Market in the 73425 Zip Code of Countyline, Oklahoma.

The 73425 zip code of Countyline, OK is located in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area. The median home value in this zip code is $128,000. The home equity in this zip code is $60,000. The average home price appreciation rate in this zip code over the past five years has been 9%. This means that on average, the homes in this zip code have increased by $9,000 since 2009.

There are a total of 1,898 homes currently for sale in the 73425 zip code of Countyline. There are also a total of 2,527 active listings in the 73425 zip code as of February 2019. This means that there are currently 2% more homes for sale than there are active listings.

As of February 2019, there were a total of 853 properties listed for sale in the 73425 zip code. This means that there were 3% more properties listed for sale than there were five years ago.

The average list price per square foot as of February 2019 was $107 which is higher than the national average list price per square foot ($97). However, it should be noted that because this is an Oklahoma City metro area market and many homes here have been built recently (within the past five years), the average list price may be lower than what you would find elsewhere in metro areas across America with a similar population size and number of homes for sale.

The percentage increase or decrease from one month to another can vary significantly due to seasonal fluctuations such as school year changes or holidays (easter vs christmas). However over a longer period such as 5 years or more it can be helpful to look at trends so you can get an idea about how prices change over time and whether they seem to be moving upwards or downwards relatively consistently

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