Zip Code:

73448, Marietta, OK

73448 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Marietta and the county of Love. Its population is roughly 6,206.

The Real Estate Market in the 73448 Zip Code of Marietta, OK.

The 73448 zip code of Marietta, OK is a suburban area located in the northeast corner of the state. The population of this zip code was 16,921 as of the 2010 census. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past several years, and as of May 2016, they were $247,000 on average. This is much higher than the national average home price of $183,500.

One reason for this high home price appreciation in this zip code is that it is located near several major metropolitan areas. These include Tulsa and Oklahoma City to the north, and Dallas and Fort Worth to the south. These large cities have a large number of jobs and residents who are able to afford high-priced homes. Additionally, Marietta has many amenities that make it a desirable place to live such as excellent schools and recreational opportunities.

Despite these positive factors, there are some potential risks associated with buying a home in this zip code. One is that interest rates may rise over time which could make owning a home more expensive overall. Another potential risk is that the economy could decline which would lead to fewer job opportunities and lower incomes which would reduce demand for homes in this area.

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