Zip Code:

73554, Mangum, OK

73554 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Mangum and the county of Greer. Its population is roughly 3,244.

Real Estate in the 73554 Zip Code of Mangum, Oklahoma

The 73554 zip code of Mangum, Oklahoma is located in the northeastern part of the state and has a population of just over 10,000. Home prices in this area have been on the rise for several years now, and there are many reasons why. The main reason is that Mangum is located in a desirable area with plenty of job opportunities. Additionally, there are a number of new developments underway that will add to the housing stock and increase demand.

As of September 2017, the median home price in Mangum was $143,900. This is up from $130,000 only five years ago and shows that there is strong demand for homes in this area. In addition, according to Zillow’s recent report on home prices across the country, Oklahoma ranks fifth out of all 50 states when it comes to home values growth over the past year. This indicates that homeownership rates are high enough and there is enough demand for homes to support continued price appreciation.

One important factor to consider when looking at home prices in any given area is inventory availability. In Mangum, there are currently just under 100 homes available for sale – which indicates that sellers are able to get good deals on houses here and buyers have plenty of choices when it comes to properties they want to buy. This healthy market conditions should continue into 2018 as well as beyond because new development projects are underway that will add even more housing stock onto the market over time.

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