Zip Code:

73644, Elk City, OK

73644 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Elk City and the county of Beckham County. Its population is roughly 14,225.

The Real Estate Market in Elk City, OK 73644

There is no one answer to the question of whether home equity or home prices are more important to a person's financial well-being. For some people, their home equity is their most important asset, while for others, their home prices are more important.

In Elk City, OK, the median home value is $129,900 according to Zillow. This means that on average, homes in this zip code are worth about 2/3 of what they were when purchased. In addition, the average amount of outstanding mortgage debt in Elk City is $101,000 according to Trulia. This means that on average homeowners here have enough money saved up to cover at least a year's worth of mortgage payments if necessary.

Of course there are many factors that can affect a person's financial well-being and it would be impossible to provide a comprehensive analysis of all of them here. However, it is interesting to note that homeowners in Elk City typically have more money available than renters do and they also tend to have less debt overall. These factors may contribute to why homes in this zip code are generally more expensive than those in other areas of Oklahoma.

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