Zip Code:

73701, Enid, OK

73701 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Enid and the county of Garfield County. Its population is roughly 24,987.

The Real Estate Market in the 73701 Zip Code of Enid, Oklahoma

The 73701 zip code of Enid, OK is located in the northeastern part of the state and has a population of just over 38,000. Home prices in this area have been on the rise for several years now, with average home values reaching $128,000 as of 2016. This is a significant increase from 2012 when the average home value was only $102,000.

One reason for this recent uptick in home values is that Enid has experienced strong job growth over the past few years. The city has seen an increase in both manufacturing and service sector jobs, which has led to increased demand for housing. Additionally, Enid is located within close proximity to several major cities (including Tulsa and Oklahoma City) which has helped to drive up demand for housing in the area.

Despite these positive factors, there are still some risks associated with buying a home in the 73701 zip code of Enid. For example, there is a high level of unemployment here which could lead to lower demand for homes and decreased prices. Additionally, while Enid does have a relatively low level of crime compared to other areas of Oklahoma, it can still be risky to buy a home here if you do not have adequate security measures in place.

Price Index: Enid, OK

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