Zip Code:

73945, Hooker, OK

73945 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Hooker and the county of Texas County. Its population is roughly 2,935.

Real Estate in the 73945 Zip Code of Hooker, OK

Hooker, OK is located in the 73945 zip code. As of the 2010 census, the population was 2,868. The median household income was $42,927 and the median family income was $50,000. In 2007, home prices were estimated to be $104,000. Home equity is an important part of a person's wealth and can provide a cushion against unexpected financial challenges.

Home equity can be used to pay off debts or invest in assets such as stocks or real estate. Home prices and home equity vary depending on location and market conditions. In general, homes in desirable areas with low unemployment rates tend to have higher home values and more home equity than homes in less desirable areas.

The following are some factors that may affect home values: interest rates (which affect borrowing costs), supply and demand (which affect the number of homes available for sale), local government regulations (which may restrict development or increase costs), neighborhood amenities (such as schools and shopping), and historical trends (such as whether there has been a recent increase in births or deaths).

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