Zip Code:

74008, Bixby, OK

74008 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Bixby and the county of Tulsa County. Its population is roughly 29,686.

The Real Estate Market in the Bixby, OK 74008 Zip Code

The 74008 zip code of Bixby, OK is located in Tulsa County and has a population of approximately 21,000. The median household income in the 74008 zip code is $71,500 and the median family income is $82,500. Home values in the 74008 zip code have increased by an average of 9.5% over the past year. The average home value in this zip code is $153,900.

The primary reason for the increase in home values in the 74008 zip code is likely due to an increase in demand from buyers and investors. There are a number of factors that are contributing to this increase including low interest rates, increasing wages, and low inventory levels. Additionally, Bixby has been designated as a growth area by the Oklahoma City metropolitan area which may also be contributing to increased demand for homes in this area.

Despite these positive trends, there are some potential risks that could impact home values in the 74008 zip code over time including a decrease in demand or interest rates, a slowdown or recession within the economy, or a rise in property taxes. In addition to these external factors there are also some risks that can be associated with buying or owning a home such as creditworthiness (e.g., having good credit ratings), down payment requirements (i.e., having enough money saved up for a down payment), and whether or not you will be able to keep up with your mortgage payments if you have high monthly expenses (e.g., rent).

Price Index: Tulsa, OK

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