Zip Code:

74347, Kansas, OK

74347 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Kansas and the county of Delaware. Its population is roughly 2,489.

The Real Estate Market in the 74347 Zip Code of Kansas, OK.

The 74347 zip code of Kansas, OK has a population of approximately 21,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $59,000 which is considerably higher than the national median household income of $53,046. Additionally, the homeownership rate in this zip code is approximately 73%, which is significantly higher than the national homeownership rate of 63%. This indicates that there are a significant number of households in this zip code that own their homes outright.

When looking at home equity and home prices in the 74347 zip code of Kansas, OK it is important to consider a few key factors. First and foremost, the median home value in this zip code is $156,500 which is significantly higher than the national median home value of $127,500. Additionally, the percentage of homes that are valued at over $250K is also high at 27%. This indicates that there are a significant number of households in this zip code that are able to afford to purchase or upgrade their homes to larger or more expensive sizes.

When looking at home equity and home prices in the 74347 zip code it should be noted that there are a number of factors that can impact these values. For example, if there was an increase in demand for properties within this area then prices could potentially rise as well. Additionally, if there were any major changes made to zoning laws or regulations within this area then those changes could potentially have an impact on prices as well.

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