Zip Code:

74354, Miami, OK

74354 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Miami and the county of Ottawa County. Its population is roughly 17,773.

The Real Estate Market in the 74354 Zip Code of Miami, OK.

Miami, OK is located in Tulsa County and has a population of over 50,000. The zip code 74354 has a median household income of $56,000 and a median home value of $128,500. Miami is one of the most affordable areas in Oklahoma and has seen steady growth in home values over the past few years.

Home equity is important for many people because it can provide them with financial stability in times of need. Home equity can also be used to pay off debt or invest in other assets. In Miami, home values have been growing steadily due to strong demand from buyers and limited supply of homes available for sale. As a result, the average home value in Miami has increased by over 20% since 2013.

While home prices are rising rapidly in Miami, there are still plenty of opportunities for buyers who are interested in purchasing a home here. The city has an active real estate market with plenty of listings available at any given time. Additionally, Miami is located close to many popular attractions such as Tulsa Zoo and Oral Roberts University which makes it an attractive place to live.

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