Zip Code:

74358, North Miami, OK

74358 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of North Miami and the county of Ottawa County. Its population is roughly 225.

The Real Estate Market in the 74358 Zip Code of North Miami, OK.

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 74358 Zip Code of North Miami, OK

There is no doubt that home equity and home prices are two important factors to consider when purchasing a home. In general, homeownership is considered a key component of the American Dream, and many people believe that owning a home provides stability and security. Additionally, homeownership has been shown to be associated with lower rates of poverty and higher levels of wealth.

According to the 2016 American Community Survey (ACS), the median household income in North Miami was $51,594. However, despite this relatively high income level, only 34% of households in this zip code own their homes outright. In fact, nearly half (47%) of households in this zip code are renters who pay rent directly to their landlords. This suggests that there is significant opportunity for homebuyers in the 74358 zip code who are looking for affordable housing options.

When it comes to home prices, there is no question that North Miami ranks among some of the most expensive zip codes in Oklahoma. As of September 2017, the median price per square foot for all residential properties within this zip code was $139. This makes North Miami one of the most expensive areas in Oklahoma for which data is available. In addition, according to Zillow’s recent report on U.S. Housing Market Trends 2018 , North Miami ranked as one of the top 10 ZIP codes nationwide with the highest average house values . It should be noted that while house values have increased significantly over the past few years , they are still relatively low when compared to other areas throughout America . The average price per square foot for all residential properties within ZIP Code 74358 was $269 as of September 2017

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