Zip Code:

74436, Haskell, OK

74436 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Haskell and the county of Muskogee County. Its population is roughly 5,368.

Haskell's Real Estate Market

Haskell, OK is located in Tulsa County and has a population of approximately 18,000. The median household income in Haskell is $60,000 and the median home value is $130,000. Home equity in Haskell is relatively high compared to other areas of the country. In Haskell, the average home equity ratio is 3.5x which means that homeowners have 3.5 times more equity in their homes than typical American homeowners. This high level of equity may be due to Haskell's low unemployment rate (3%) and strong economy.

The housing market in Haskell has been strong for many years now. The average home price has increased by 8% over the past year and by 21% over the past five years. This growth indicates that there are plenty of buyers interested in purchasing homes in Haskell. Additionally, the low unemployment rate may be contributing to this trend as people are able to afford more expensive homes due to limited competition for jobs.

Despite these positive trends, there are some risks associated with buying a home in Haskell right now. One risk is that interest rates could rise which would make it more difficult for buyers to afford homes. Another risk is that the housing market could crash which would lead to a decrease in home values and an increase in mortgage payments/interest rates。

Overall, it appears that homeownership rates are high in Haskell because of its strong economy and stable housing market conditions。 Although there are some risks associated with buying a home right now, overall it appears that homeownership rates are still very high compared to other areas of the country。

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