Zip Code:

74632, Braman, OK

74632 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Braman and the county of Kay County. Its population is roughly 515.

The Real Estate Market in the 74632 Zip Code of Braman, OK

The 74632 zip code of Braman, OK is located in the Tulsa metropolitan area. The median home value in this zip code is $128,000. The home equity in this zip code is $64,000. The average home price has increased by 9% since 2006. In 2008, the average home price was $135,000 and in 2012 it was $152,500.

There are a total of 2,906 homes in the 74632 zip code. Of these homes, 1,814 are single family homes and 548 are multi-family units. There are also a total of 295 condos and townhomes in this zip code. The majority of these residences (1,814) are occupied by people who live alone while the remaining (245) residences are occupied by people who live with others.

The percentage of households that own their homes outright is 69%. Of all households in this zip code that own their homes outright, 66% have been living in their homes for more than five years while 3% have been living in their homes for less than one year. The percentage of households that own their homes with a mortgage is 30%. Of all households that own their homes with a mortgage, 27% have been living in their homes for more than five years while 6% have been living in their homes for less than one year

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