Zip Code:

74865, Roff, OK

74865 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Roff and the county of Pontotoc County. Its population is roughly 1,777.

The Real Estate Market in the 74865 Zip Code of Roff, Oklahoma

The 74865 zip code of Roff, OK is located in the Tulsa metropolitan area. The median home value in this zip code is $101,000. The home equity index for this zip code is 108.7%. This means that the homes in this zip code are worth more than their mortgages.

There are a total of 1,811 homes in the 74865 zip code. Of these homes, 806 (or 68%) are owner-occupied and 589 (or 32%) are occupied by renters. The average homeowner in this zip code has a mortgage of $92,000 and the average renter has a mortgage of $35,000.

The percentage of homeowners who have taken out second mortgages or home equity loans to finance their homes is lower than the national average (29% vs 36%). This suggests that most homeowners in this zip code have enough equity in their homes to cover any financial challenges they may face.

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