Zip Code:

74868, Seminole, OK

74868 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Seminole and the county of Seminole. Its population is roughly 13,133.

The Real Estate Market in the 74868 Zip Code of Seminole, OK.

The Seminole, OK 74868 zip code has a population of around 9,000 people. The median household income is around $50,000 per year. The home equity in the Seminole, OK 74868 zip code is around $130,000. The home prices in the Seminole, OK 74868 zip code are around $140,000.

There are a few factors that affect home equity and home prices in the Seminole, OK 74868 zip code. One factor that affects home equity is interest rates. When interest rates go up, it makes it more expensive to borrow money to buy a house or to refinance an existing mortgage. Another factor that affects home equity is the market value of homes in the Seminole, OK 74868 zip code. If there are more houses for sale than there are buyers interested in buying those houses, then the prices for those homes will go down. Finally, another factor that affects home equity and home prices in the Seminole, OK 74868 zip code is inflation. Over time (usually about 10-15 years), inflation will cause nominal (not real) values of assets (like homes) to decrease while their real (inflation-adjusted) values stay the same or even increase slightly due to increased costs associated with owning a house such as property taxes and maintenance costs over time

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