Zip Code:

75074, Plano, TX

75074 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Plano and the county of Collin County. Its population is roughly 52,259.

The Real Estate Market in the 75074 Zip Code of Plano, TX

When people think of home equity, they often think of the value of their home. But what about the value of the home equity in their own neighborhood?

According to Zillow, the median home value in Plano is $225,000. This means that half of all homes in Plano are worth more than $225,000. And while this number may not seem too impressive at first glance, keep in mind that it's only median values. So there are undoubtedly many homes in Plano worth much more than $225,000.

In addition to median values, Zillow also provides data on home prices by zip code. And according to this data, the 75074 zip code has some of the highest home prices in all of Plano. The average price for a single-family home in 75074 is $349,900 (which is significantly higher than the citywide average). In addition, there are a number of luxury homes available for sale in 75074 – including several mansions that list for over $1 million!

So if you're looking for a luxurious place to call your own – or if you just want to be able to afford a nice house – then you'll definitely want to check out properties in the 75074 zip code!

Price Index: Dallas-Plano-Irving, TX (MSAD)

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