Zip Code:

75142, Kaufman, TX

75142 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Kaufman and the county of Kaufman County. Its population is roughly 19,261.

The Real Estate Market in Kaufman, TX

The 75142 zip code of Kaufman, TX has a population of around 30,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $92,000 which is above the national median household income of $59,445. The home equity in this zip code is around $280,000 which is above the national median home equity of $175,000. This means that most households in the 75142 zip code have more than enough money to cover their monthly expenses and have some extra money left over.

The reason that home equity is so important in Kaufman, TX is because it allows households to borrow against their homes in order to pay for things like groceries or bills. This gives households a lot of flexibility when it comes to budgeting and makes it easier for them to get ahead financially. Additionally, homeownership rates are high in Kaufman, TX which means that there are a lot of people who are able to benefit from the rising home prices in this area.

Price Index: Dallas-Plano-Irving, TX (MSAD)

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