Zip Code:

75211, Dallas, TX

75211 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Dallas and the county of Dallas County. Its population is roughly 77,570.

The Real Estate Market in the 75211 Zip Code of Dallas, TX

The home equity and home prices in the 75211 zip code of Dallas, TX are very high. The median home value in this zip code is $217,000, which is more than double the national median home value of $106,500. Additionally, the percentage of homes in this zip code that are valued at over $250,000 is significantly higher than the national percentage of homes that are valued at over $250,000. This indicates that there are a lot of high-value homes in this zip code.

One reason for the high home values in this zip code is likely the large number of affluent residents. The percentage of households earning over $100,000 in this zip code is significantly higher than the national percentage of households earning over $100,000. Additionally, the percentage of households earning over $200,000 is also significantly higher than the national percentage of households earning over $200,000. These affluent residents likely have a strong influence on housing prices in this area.

Another factor that may contribute to high home values in this zip code is its proximity to downtown Dallas. The median commute time to work for residents in this zipcode is only 23 minutes, which is much shorter than the national median commute time of 30 minutes. This indicates that many people living in this area can afford to buy a house relatively close to downtown Dallas without having to spend a long time commuting each day.

Price Index: Dallas-Plano-Irving, TX (MSAD)

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