Zip Code:

75413, Bailey, TX

75413 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Bailey and the county of Fannin. Its population is roughly 282.

The Real Estate Market in Bailey, TX

Bailey, TX is located in Williamson County and has a population of around 10,000. The median household income in Bailey is $60,000 and the median home value is $160,000. Home equity in Bailey is relatively high compared to other zip codes in Texas. In fact, the home equity percentage for Bailey is 18%. This means that the average homeowner in Bailey has over $100,000 of equity in their home.

One reason why home equity is high in Bailey is because there are a lot of homeowners who have taken out mortgages to purchase their homes. Additionally, many homeowners have been able to refinance their mortgages over the years which has helped them increase their home equity even more. Another reason why home equity is high in Bailey is because there are a lot of homes that are worth a lot more than the average house price elsewhere in Texas. For example, one house that was recently sold for $225,000 had an appraised value of $350,000. This means that the homeowner had over 50% more equity than someone who bought a house nearby with an appraised value of $175,000.

Despite the fact that home equity is high in Bailey, it's not immune to fluctuations like it is elsewhere throughout Texas. For example, during the housing market crash of 2008-2009 there was a significant decrease in home values throughout Williamson County as well as across all of Texas. However since then things have started to rebound and according to Zillow (a website that tracks real estate prices) median prices for homes have increased by 8% nationally since 2012 which puts them at an all-time high! So while there may be some volatility associated with owning a home here and there it's generally been pretty stable overall which likely contributes to why so many people here own their homes outright or have taken out mortgages with very low interest rates

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