Zip Code:

75638, Daingerfield, TX

75638 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Daingerfield and the county of Morris. Its population is roughly 5,505.

The Real Estate Market in the 75638 Zip Code of Daingerfield, TX

The Daingerfield, TX 75638 zip code has a population of around 10,000 people and is located in the Houston metropolitan area. The median home value in this zip code is $174,900 which is about average for the Houston metro area. The home equity index for this zip code is 111 which indicates that homes in this zip code are worth about 11% more than what they were worth a year ago.

One reason that homes in the Daingerfield, TX 75638 zip code are worth more than they were a year ago is because of the strong economy. Home values have been increasing steadily since 2007 and there appears to be no sign of slowing down anytime soon. Another reason why homes in this zip code are worth more than they were a year ago is because of low interest rates. Interest rates have been relatively low for many years now and as a result, homeowners have had an opportunity to borrow money against their home equity to buy other things or to pay off debt.

Despite these reasons, not everyone in the Daingerfield, TX 75638 zip code has been able to benefit from the rising home values. There has been an increase in housing prices throughout most of Harris County but especially in areas like Houston where demand for housing is high. This means that some people who live in the Daingerfield, TX 75638 zip code have seen their home equity decrease over time while others have seen their home equity increase slightly due to rising prices overall.

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