Zip Code:

75670, Marshall, TX

75670 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Marshall and the county of Harrison County. Its population is roughly 17,539.

Marshall, TX: A Place to Call Home

Marshall, TX is located in Williamson County and has a population of around 21,000. The median household income in Marshall is $81,000 and the median home value is $209,000. Home equity in Marshall peaked in 2007 at $269,000 but has since decreased to $202,500 as of 2016.

The primary drivers of home equity are typically interest rates and inflation. When interest rates are low or when inflation exceeds the rate of growth for wages, homes become more valuable over time. In Marshall, home values have been impacted by both low interest rates and moderate inflation. As a result, home equity has decreased by approximately 20% since 2007 but remains relatively high compared to other areas of the country.

While there may be some localized fluctuations in home values due to market conditions or specific events (such as a natural disaster), the long-term trend shows that Marshall homes are becoming increasingly valuable over time. This means that homeownership opportunities in Marshall remain strong despite recent decreases in home equity levels.

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