Zip Code:

75686, Pittsburg, TX

75686 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Pittsburg and the county of Camp. Its population is roughly 13,184.

The Real Estate Market in the Pittsburg, TX Zip Code 75686

Pittsburg, TX is located in the Central Texas region and has a population of around 102,000. The 75686 zip code covers an area of around 10 square miles and has a median home value of $129,900. Home equity in this zip code has increased by over 20% over the past year, reaching a median home equity value of $142,700.

The average household income in this zip code is around $68,000 and the unemployment rate is around 5%. The majority of households in this zip code own their homes outright or have a mortgage that is less than 80% of the value of their home. Around 60% of households in this zip code have at least one vehicle available for purchase.

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