Zip Code:

75692, Waskom, TX

75692 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Waskom and the county of Harrison County. Its population is roughly 4,414.

The Real Estate Market in the Waskom, TX 75692 Zip Code

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 75692 Zip Code of Waskom, TX

The home equity and home prices in the 75692 zip code of Waskom, TX are quite high when compared to other zip codes in the area. The median home value in this zip code is $236,000, which is more than double the median home value for all of Brazos County. Additionally, the average home equity loan amount in this zip code is $157,500, which is also significantly higher than the average loan amount for all of Brazos County. This indicates that homeowners in this zip code are able to borrow a greater amount of money to purchase their homes than homeowners in other areas of Brazos County.

One possible explanation for these high home values and high levels of home equity loans is that there are a greater number of wealthy residents living in the 75692 zip code. In fact, 36% of households earning over $100,000 per year live in this zip code. Additionally, there are a greater number of jobs located within close proximity to this area – particularly jobs related to technology and engineering – which may account for some portion of the increase in home values over time.

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