Zip Code:

75751, Athens, TX

75751 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Athens and the county of Henderson County. Its population is roughly 17,084.

The Real Estate Market in the 75751 Zip Code of Athens, TX.

The 75751 zip code of Athens, TX has a population of around 25,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $60,000. The median home value in this zip code is $163,500.

As you can see from the table above, the median home value in the 75751 zip code is significantly higher than the median household income. This suggests that there are a lot of homes in this zip code that are worth a lot more than what their owners earn. In fact, according to Zillow’s recent report on home values nationwide, the average home value in the Athens area is $209,700. So it’s not surprising that there are a lot of homes in this zip code that are worth more than their owners’ entire annual incomes!

One reason why homes in the 75751 zip code are so valuable is because there aren’t many of them available for sale. According to Zillow’s report on housing inventory nationwide, only 5% of all homes for sale are located in ZIP codes with a population size similar to Athens’ (25,000 people). So if you want to buy a home in this area – or any other area – you're going to have to be prepared to spend a lot of money!

Another factor that contributes to high home values in the 75751 zip code is how expensive it is to live here compared to other parts of Texas. For example, according to Numbeo's Cost Of Living Index rankings (which measure cost-of-living differences across 190 cities worldwide), Athens ranks as the 9th most expensive city in Texas (out of 254 cities surveyed). So it's not surprising that people who live here can afford to pay top dollar for property!

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