Zip Code:

76022, Bedford, TX

76022 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Bedford and the county of Tarrant County. Its population is roughly 13,495.

The Real Estate Market in the 76022 Zip Code of Bedford, TX

The 76022 zip code of Bedford, TX has a median home value of $127,000 and a median home equity value of $104,000. The 76022 zip code is one of the most affordable in the Houston area and has seen an increase in home values over the past few years. The average sales price for homes in the 76022 zip code was $128,500 in 2017 and is projected to be $135,000 by 2020.

Bedford is located within close proximity to many amenities including shopping malls, restaurants, and parks. The community also offers a variety of housing options including single family homes, townhomes, and apartments. There are also a number of schools available within walking distance from residents.

Price Index: Fort Worth-Arlington-Grapevine, TX (MSAD)

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