Zip Code:

76305, Wichita Falls, TX

76305 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Wichita Falls and the county of Wichita County. Its population is roughly 4,261.

The Real Estate Market in Wichita Falls, TX

The Wichita Falls, TX 76305 zip code has a population of around 154,000 people and is located in north-central Texas. The median home value in the 76305 zip code is $128,000 which is lower than the national median home value of $177,500. The percentage of homes that are owner-occupied in the 76305 zip code is lower than the national percentage of owner-occupied homes at around 63%. Around 38% of households in the 76305 zip code have a mortgage which is higher than the national mortgage rate of 3.5%. There are also a smaller number of renters in the 76305 zip code compared to other parts of Texas. Around 10% of households in the 76305 zip code are renters which is lower than the national rental rate of 12%.

The Wichita Falls, TX 76305 zip code has a below average unemployment rate at around 5%. This compares to an unemployment rate nationwide that stands at around 6.3%. The poverty rate in Wichita Falls, TX76305 is also below average at around 14% compared to a nationwide poverty rate that stands at about 15%. In terms of education levels, there are more college graduates living in the 76305 zipcode compared to other parts of Texas. Around 36%of adults living in the 76 305zipcode have a college degree or higher which compares to an adult population nationwide that has 27% with a college degree or higher. There are also more employed adults living in Wichita Falls, TX76 305compared to other parts o f Texas where approximately 31%of adults have jobs.

Price Index: Wichita Falls, TX

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