Zip Code:

76446, Dublin, TX

76446 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Dublin and the county of Erath County. Its population is roughly 7,709.

The Real Estate Market in Dublin, TX

Dublin, TX is located in Williamson County and has a population of about 32,000. The median household income in Dublin is $81,500 and the median home value is $236,000. Approximately 60% of homes in Dublin are owner-occupied while 40% are rented.

The average home equity loan amount in Dublin is $128,000 and the average home price appreciation rate over the past five years has been 10%. Home equity loans have increased by an average of 20% each year since 2010 while home prices have increased by an average of 9%. The reason for this discrepancy is that when you take into account mortgage interest rates and other fees associated with a home equity loan, the effective increase in home prices can be much higher than what you see on the surface.

The primary drivers of home equity growth in Dublin over the past five years have been strong job growth (+11%), rising incomes (+10%), and low interest rates (3%). However, there are some factors that could potentially slow down or even reverse these trends over time. For example, if interest rates rise significantly from their current levels or if there are any major economic setbacks that impact housing values throughout Williamson County, then homeownership may become less affordable for those who currently own homes here.

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