Zip Code:

76550, Lampasas, TX

76550 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Lampasas and the county of Lampasas County. Its population is roughly 13,412.

Real Estate in the 76550 Zip Code of Lampasas, TX

The Lampasas, TX 76550 zip code has a population of around 20,000 people and is located in Central Texas. The median home value in the zip code is $137,500 and the median home equity value is $106,000. Home prices have been on the rise in Lampasas over the past few years and there are many reasons for this. One reason is that there are a lot of new homes being built in the area which leads to an increase in demand for housing. Additionally, Lampasas has seen strong economic growth over the past few years which has led to an increase in jobs and income. Finally, interest rates have remained low which makes it more affordable to buy a home than it was several years ago.

Overall, homeownership rates in Lampasas are high compared to other parts of Texas. This may be due to factors such as strong economic growth and low interest rates, or it may be because there are not a lot of available housing options outside of homeownership. Regardless of why homeownership rates are high in Lampasas, it is good news for buyers who want to find a good deal on a home.

Price Index: Killeen-Temple, TX

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