Zip Code:

76635, Coolidge, TX

76635 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Coolidge and the county of Limestone. Its population is roughly 1,290.

The Real Estate Market in the 76635 Zip Code of Coolidge, TX

The Coolidge, TX 76635 zip code has a population of around 11,000 people and is located in Williamson County. The median home value in the Coolidge, TX 76635 zip code is $227,000 which is significantly higher than the national median home value of $177,500. The average home equity in the Coolidge, TX 76635 zip code is $144,000 which is also significantly higher than the national average of $100,000.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the high home values in the Coolidge, TX 76635 zip code. One reason is that there are a lot of affluent residents living in this area. Another reason for the high home values is that there are a lot of luxury homes available for sale in this area. Finally, homes in this area tend to be newer and have more features than homes in other parts of Williamson County.

Despite these factors contributing to high home values, it's important to keep in mind that not all homes in the Coolidge, TX 76635 zip code are worth more than their counterparts elsewhere in Williamson County. There are a number of modest-sized homes available for sale here as well as some older properties that may be less expensive than comparable properties elsewhere but may not have all the features or amenities found on newer homes.

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