Zip Code:

76671, Morgan, TX

76671 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Morgan and the county of Bosque. Its population is roughly 1,621.

The Real Estate Market in the 76671 Zip Code of Morgan, TX

The Morgan zip code 76671 has a population of around 10,000 people and is located in Williamson County. The median household income in the zip code is $86,500 and the median home value is $269,900. The average home equity loan amount in the zip code is $151,000.

There are a number of factors that affect home prices in Morgan. One factor that affects home prices is interest rates. Interest rates can go up or down, which can affect the price of homes by affecting how much people are willing to pay for them. Another factor that affects home prices is demand for homes. If there are more people looking to buy homes than there are available homes, then the price of a home will go up. Finally, another factor that affects home prices is supply and demand. If there are more houses being built than people want to buy them, then the price of a house will go down because there will be less demand for it.

Overall, it seems that most factors that affect home prices in Morgan tend to have an effect on the price of homes over time. Home values seem to fluctuate somewhat from month-to-month but overall seem to trend upwards over time as more people want to live in Morgan and its surrounding areas.

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