Zip Code:

76712, Woodway, TX

76712 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Woodway and the county of McLennan County. Its population is roughly 25,525.

Woodway, TX: A Community of Opportunity

Woodway, TX is located in Harris County and has a population of around 9,000. The median household income in Woodway is $92,000 and the median home value is $236,000. Home equity in Woodway is relatively high compared to other zip codes in Harris County. In fact, the home equity rate in Woodway is almost twice as high as the home equity rate for zip code 77084 which has a population of around 4,500.

One reason that home equity rates are higher in Woodway than elsewhere in Harris County may be due to the presence of affluent households. In fact, approximately one-third of all households in Woodway have an annual income above $200,000. Additionally, there are a number of luxury homes located within the 76712 zip code. These homes may be more expensive to purchase or maintain than typical homes and may lead to higher home values.

Another factor that could contribute to high home values in Woodway are low interest rates. At present, interest rates are very low which means that homeowners can borrow money against their homes to finance purchases or repairs. This increase in demand for housing may drive up prices even further since there is limited supply available on the market.

Price Index: Waco, TX

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