Zip Code:

76832, Cherokee, TX

76832 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Cherokee and the county of San Saba. Its population is roughly 728.

The Real Estate Market in the 76832 Zip Code of Cherokee, TX

The 76832 zip code of Cherokee, TX has a median home value of $101,000. The home equity in this zip code is $27,000. The average home price in the Cherokee area has increased by 7% over the past year. This increase is likely due to an increase in demand and limited supply as well as low interest rates.

The average credit score for buyers in the 76832 zip code is 740. This indicates that most buyers have good credit and are able to borrow money to purchase a home. There are also many homes for sale in this zip code, indicating that there is plenty of demand for homes in this area.

Overall, the 76832 zip code of Cherokee, TX has a healthy housing market with prices increasing steadily over the past year. Buyers with good credit and ample funds should be able to find a suitable home within this area.

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