Zip Code:

76834, Coleman, TX

76834 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Coleman and the county of Coleman. Its population is roughly 5,310.

The Real Estate Market in the 76834 Zip Code of Coleman, TX

Coleman, TX is located in Williamson County and has a population of around 9,000. The 76834 zip code covers a total area of just over 1 square mile and has a median home value of $128,000. Home prices in Coleman have been on the rise for the past few years, with values increasing by an average of 7% annually.

The majority of Coleman's homes are owner-occupied, with around 85% of households owning their homes outright. Around 15% of Coleman's homes are occupied by renters, while 5% are occupied by people who rent from others and own their home outright. There is also a small number (less than 1%) of homes that are rented to people who do not own their home outright but rent from someone else.

There is a significant concentration of home equity in Coleman, with over 60% of households having at least some equity in their homes. This means that homeowners in Coleman have plenty of room to borrow against their home equity if they need to finance something like a new car or appliance. In addition, homeowners in Coleman can also use their home equity to pay down debt or save for future goals.

Overall, the housing market in Coleman is healthy and stable – there is little evidence to suggest that prices will decrease any time soon. This makes Coleman an ideal place to buy or invest in property – whether you're looking for your first investment property or you're looking for an opportunity to grow your wealth over time.

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