Zip Code:

76949, Silver, TX

76949 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Silver and the county of Coke. Its population is roughly 12.

The Real Estate Market in the 76949 Zip Code of Silver, TX

The 76949 zip code of Silver, TX has a median home value of $128,000. This is lower than the statewide median home value of $217,500. The average home size in this zip code is 2,362 square feet. There are a total of 1,527 homes in this zip code. The majority (92%) of these homes were built in the 1990s.

There has been an increase in the number of homes being sold in the 76949 zip code over the past year. In 2017, there were 515 sales compared to 439 sales in 2016. This indicates that there may be more buyers interested in purchasing homes within this area at present.

Home prices have been on a steady decline since 2012 when they peaked at $142,000. Since then they have decreased by about 10%. It is likely that prices will continue to decline as more and more homeowners decide to sell their homes and move into newer ones or buy smaller ones due to increased affordability and decreasing interest rates across the country

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