Zip Code:

77014, Houston, TX

77014 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Houston and the county of Harris County. Its population is roughly 37,488.

Houston's Real Estate Market

Houston, TX is one of the most popular and prosperous cities in the United States. The city has a population of over 2 million people and is home to many Fortune 500 companies. The economy of Houston is based on a variety of industries, including energy, technology, healthcare, and manufacturing.

The 77014 zip code is located in Houston and includes many affluent neighborhoods such as River Oaks, Montrose Center, West University Place, Meyerland Plaza, and The Woodlands. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years due to strong demand from buyers and limited supply. As of March 2019, the median home price in this zip code was $269K. This represents an increase of over $100K from 2018!

One reason for this strong demand for homes in the 77014 zip code is that Houston has a relatively low unemployment rate (4% as of March 2019) compared to other major cities in the US. Additionally, there are many jobs available in Houston that are related to high-demand industries such as energy production and healthcare services. This combination of strong economic conditions and low unemployment rates has led to an increased demand for homes throughout Houston's ZIP code area.

Despite these positive factors, there are some challenges that could affect home prices in the 77014 zip code area over time. For example, if there were to be a major economic recession or housing market crash within Houston itself (as has happened before), then prices could decline significantly relative to current levels. Additionally, if new development projects were not approved by local authorities or if there were any delays with construction projects nearby (as has also happened before), then availability of homes would increase relative to current levels which would also lead to downward pressure on home prices within this ZIP code area

Price Index: Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, TX

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